Clubs & Activities

Windrow Estates has a number of clubs & activities as well as wonderful neighborhood amenities:

header3Windrow Swim Team: 

We are a member of the Queen City Swim League in Charlotte, NC. The Windrow Swim Team is for the residents and the summer guests of the Windrow Estates community. Our mission is to teach our younger residents teamwork, goal-setting, sportsmanship, and, good old fashion athletics. We provide a competitive swim team experience for children ages 4-18.

NWNeighborhood Watch: 

A program set up in the neighborhood, supported by the Matthews Police Dept.  (704-847-5555) to aid in the prevention of crime and keep a watchful eye on the neighborhood. Contact David Lorenz, Coordinator,, for additional info.

WOW1WOW – Women of Windrow: 

The goal is to create a close knit neighborhood, sharing ideas and interests. No dues, just fun, food and fellowship. Meet the 4th Monday evening each month. Contact Elizabeth Caudle,, or Laura Mullis,  for additional info.

Windrow Help Desk

The help desk is now OPEN! Thanks to Albert Dickson and Aleah Levinson for stepping up and connecting volunteers with neighbors in need! The NEW “Windrow Help Desk” is taking the place of Aunt Ida’s Kitchen, and will expand support to those neighbors who need temporary support such as yard work, meals in time of need, and errand running. We need volunteers to help out and lend a hand. If you need help OR are willing to help, please contact Albert Dickson albertdicksoniii@ or Aleah Levinson You can also find info on our website under the WHOA Members tab.

Girl Scouts

Contact Kassey Koous for additional information.

A Matthews, NC Community